Moving from LA to Oslo, the contrast is kinda huge. This blog is about me trying to rediscover my identity, looking for a job and a place to live. It focuses on my main interest: Fashion, interior design, philosophy and eggs. Join me in my quest for enlightenment.

mandag 4. oktober 2010

Illustrated history: Poor man

That poor man. That's what everyone passing the square were thinking that day. There he was, with the cap on his knee, head in his hands. He must be very sad or sick or homeless, they thought, not even considering helping him.

But really, he was just tired. He had been up all night drinking wine with this woman he'd just met at a concert held by his grandson, the pianist. And he needed to sit down for a second, contemplating all the happiness that was suddenly coming his way.

Images can lie, you know. So go talk to people.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Good observation about talking - we often assume what is there, what other are, or think. It's not just in the general space of life, but also in the more personal one - talking solves a lot of assumptions :-)

Camilla Claire Collet sa...

I know. As a model I have been living in a world where image is everything. But really, all images are staged. They tell a story, but not always the true story, and never the whole story.