Moving from LA to Oslo, the contrast is kinda huge. This blog is about me trying to rediscover my identity, looking for a job and a place to live. It focuses on my main interest: Fashion, interior design, philosophy and eggs. Join me in my quest for enlightenment.

mandag 29. mars 2010

My Caterpillar Lisbon

Oh, the joy of noise. It shakes up our picture perfect life and shows us the world is alive and moving and going somewhere. Arriving in a new city, it’s the noise I first experience - Because it shows you the lives of the people who live there.

Let me show you the noise I saw through my lense today.

It's the Caterpillar Lisbon. You know, not that little larval with many feet, but the large machine. It is the tourist square all filled with Caterpillars and people doing their work. I found the meeting between the beautiful square and the noisy Caterpillar to be almost poetic:

There is a fence. We are not even let inside. This is the area of the workers – not to be experienced by the tourists. I find the workers kinda hot in their sweaty, bossy kind of way. They now rule this area, and we can only watch them.

This is not a museum, it is the work place of several people.

Even noisier. Even more alive. Even sexier part of Lisbon. I love the shifting, stinky asphalt and the machine heading directly for the colonialist arch.

Even the ferry terminal is noisy. It's made for travel, not beauty. And yet, it is so beautiful.

Oh, but yeah, if you absolutely need to sit down under a three, just take this one. There are plenty of them. Just sit down and mind the Jesus in the far, far back.

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